Prepare to Appear

Booked guests must register below.  To apply to appear, Contact Us »

Location & Format

We’ll interview you at your place for about an hour. Ideally, we do it in a Quiet location with decent light with you actively showing/demonstrating what you do best. Sitting interviews and/or walking tours are fine. Prepare for your session by completing the Guest Registration below.

What to Wear

Shaka Stars is casual, so wear whatever makes you comfortable. But  PLEASE AVOID shiny items like glass that may cause glare, noisy items like jewelry that can affect audio pickup, stripes or intricate patterns and clothing that might be transparent in strong light.

Episode Promotions

Your episode will be promoted via 5 social media posts that center around your “Shaka-ness” traits. Posts gaining significant “likes” gain you Shaka Stars Awards. Your social page will be named as a collaborator to each post so you can promote posts and enjoy traffic from the podcast.

Guest Registration

Each guest must complete this form. Guests under 18 years of age must have a legal guardian complete this form.